January 14th is the feast day of a little known saint, Felix of Nola. Honestly, I may never have heard of him except for a picture book, which I’ll mention in just a minute. But to celebrate this amazing saint, I’ve made a cool coloring page with his name written ‘Charlotte’s Web’ style.
Download the Saint Felix Coloring page
(Please save to your computer or open in Adobe for the best results in printing)
Saint Felix of Nola was a christian during a time of great persecution. He gave all his worldly possessions to the poor and became a priest. One story of him (which helps explain the coloring page), is that he was hiding from soldiers who sought to imprison him for his faith. Saint Felix hid in a cave, and a spider quickly spun a web over the entrance to the cave. Shortly thereafter, soldiers came by but went past the cave assuming that no one had entered it, since there was a spider web across the entrance.
My kids love stories of saints which either involve something miraculous (like bread turning into flowers, roses at the wrong time of the year, etc) or animals. And this one seemingly involves both.
You can read all about that story in this great picture book: Saint Felix and the Spider

(this is an affiliate link, the price doesn’t change for you, but I get a teeny tiny commission from it- thanks!)
I love how this little known saint has his own story with beautiful pictures to go with it. If you saw my Magic Slider Coloring Page for Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, the book I love about her has the same illustrator as Saint Felix and the Spider.
See how pretty?!
Add this cute book to your collection of Saint books, and read it aloud this week as your kids color this cute free coloring page. Personally, I don’t think your kids can ever have ‘too many’ books about saints!
Thank you for being here!
Saint Felix, Pray for us!