Continuing with the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, I have the fourth one the Assumption of Mary Coloring page free to print today.
The Fourth Glorious Mystery The Assumption Coloring Page
(Please download to your computer and open in a .pdf program like Adobe Acrobat before printing for the best results!)
The Assumption of Mary is one of those topics our Protestant friends might challenge. If you’ve been following along with these Rosary Coloring Page posts, you’ll know I’ve been mostly putting scripture for each Mystery here. But there is no scripture to post directly about the Assumption of Mary. The Catholic faith teaches both by the Word of God, AND by tradition. The Assumption would be mostly from the tradition side I suppose. Scripture does not contradict this assumption (ha get it?), but gives us every indication it could happen. There was Enoch, who was taken to heaven without dying (Heb 11:5), and Elijah who went to heaven in a fiery chariot (2 Kings). If Enoch and Elijah found so much favor with God as to go strait to heaven, is it not safe to assume that Mary, as the mother of His only Son, would also?
The Assumption of Mary gives us even more reason to venerate her, and to model our lives after her. Our goals should be to do God’s will so well and so perfectly that we find great favor with Him. May God grant you wisdom and understanding to know His will in your life and the courage and strength to follow it.
Remember, if you can’t wait for all of these coloring pages to post or if you just want them all in one document together, you can buy the whole pack of 20 mysteries here in my shop!
I also used these same drawings to make these Watercolor Printable Rosary Cards, which are available in B&W and in watercolored paints in the shop!
Kristen, you amaze me! You’re so talented. May God continue to bless all of your artistic endeavors!