It’s been a while since I wrote a post (like more than year!) so I thought I’d give you all quick update on my life and where this blog is headed. Last year was a year full of changes. I started back working full time as a chemical engineer in the spring, and my kids …

Mysteries of the Rosary Lapbook
I’ve had plans to make this Mysteries of the Rosary Lapbook for a long, long time, but never seemed to have the time to put it together. I’m pretty happy I finally made it happen. It includes a how to pray the rosary, all the rosary prayers, and images for each of the mysteries …

Advent Wreath Watercolor
I know it’s a little late to post something like this, most people already have their advent decor up… but this one is free to print at home, so maybe it’ll still be of use to you this year, or at least you can plan to put it up next year. It’s a simple watercolor …

Easing into the Homeschool-year, and what books/curriculum we’re using this year
This post is really two posts smashed together: Easing into the home-school year and What we’re planning to use this year. This post does contain a few affiliate links (Amazon and All About Reading), which means I get a tiny commission for sharing them with you, but your price is the same either way. I …

Printable Homeschooling Attendance sheet and Blank Lesson Planner
Many, many families are jumping into the homeschooling world this fall due to all the changes COVID19 has caused to our public and private schools. While, we have homeschooled from the start, I have always believed each child/parent/family should do what works best for them. But what works best for families is changing this year. …

Printable Catholic School Year Calendar to Color
This is a free printable Calendar showing the Catholic liturgical seasons, famous saint feast days and monthly dedications in the church.

Holy Week at Home
Whoops! I meant to post this last week, but after moving and buying a farm house- our quarantine time has been anything but boring with all the outside work that needs to be done. I figure better late than never though- so here you go! This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. This means I …

God Alone Suffices
I had a friend recently request a watercolor picture with just that small phrase “God alone suffices.” It’s the last part of a longer prayer, that I love, from Saint Teresa of Avila. Let nothing disturb you,Let nothing frighten you,All things are passing away:God never changes.Patience obtains all thingsWhoever has God lacks nothing;God alone suffices. …